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Deck Painting / Staining

Deck Painting / Staining

Deck Painting / Staining

Beautiful Results Guaranteed With Our Deck Painting/Staining Services

If you have a wooden fence, deck or archways around your home, you must be well aware of just how the varying weather elements can have a harsh effect on these wooden surfaces. If you ignore proper care of these and do not re-stain or re-seal them at the appropriate times, it will only become a further costly home maintenance expenditure. Eventually, it will also decrease the value of your property. Just a fresh stain or paint can make a noticeable difference between a worn-out and an old looking deck into a beautiful and welcoming outdoor space. If your deck appears worse, you can turn to our deck painting/staining services in Nashville!

Channell Sealants has the right painting crew, who have bagged years of experience in staining and sealing decks to protect them from weather conditions. We are able to handle a full range of deck staining services and help you stain a brand new, or old deck. We can also direct you to our color specialists, who can attend to your personal tastes, and help you choose the right colors to complement your home.

The Staining/Painting Process at Channell Sealants

Depending on your project, and the amount of care that it needs, our professional deck staining and surface prep process will include

  • Scraping/Sanding

This is done to prepare the surface of the deck. We will start off by removing any chipped paint, gravel or any dirt. If needs be, we will also sand any area that appears loose or raised to create a smoother surface.

  • Power Wash

To ensure that the surface is perfect for paint or stain, we will also use our 4000 psi pressure washer to proceed with the power wash process. This helps to clear any debris, remove dirt and give the surface a neat look.

  • Stain or Paint

Once the surface is ready, the final step is to apply some premium paint or stain to the surface.

Allow us to inspect your deck, and we will offer you quotes based on the condition. We will give you a firm quote before time so that you know the total cost of the services you will pay for before we even begin. To ensure the best results, rest assured that we only use premium quality products. We offer oil-based stains and water-based stains. We also pay attention to all other details to ensure beautiful and amazing results.

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