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Fence Painting / Staining

Fence Painting / Staining

Fence Painting / Staining

Professional Fence Painting/Staining Services

In Nashville, so many homeowners choose to build wooden fences around their backyards and properties. These remain a smart choice to enhance privacy. They identify property lines, as well as provide homes with the right shelter from winds. However, since wood is a natural element outside, wooden fences are also prone or susceptible to several weather-related damages, including rot, warping, fungus infestation due to moisture, and other weathering factors.

If you want your existing wooden fences to see better days, or if you just installed a new fence and need to preserve its freshness, you can depend on us at Channell Sealants. Our fresh coat painters have the right expertise to help you with professional fence staining services. Painting/staining your wooden fence will not only protect it from various elements, but it will also boost aesthetic appeal and beautify your home overall.  

How It’s Done At Channell Sealants

Within 90 days of installation, it is recommended that you have fences stained to prevent wood-fungus decay. At Channell Sealants, fences and decks are cleaned with a 4000 psi pressure washer to get rid of fungus, mold, and other concerns. Once dried and cleaned, all the areas of the wood are then sanded to give it a smooth finish. This also removes any splintering. With over 100 Beher Premium Plus ® color choices, we apply the customer’s chosen stain color with a 3/8” nap roller and a nylon/polyester brush.

The Benefits of Our Fence Painting/Staining Services

When it comes to fence painting/staining, there are countless reasons why you should have them stained professionally. While you can consider doing this yourself, hiring our professionals will allow you to efficiently and quickly get top-quality results. When we work on this project for you, here are the top benefits you can expect.

  • Better weather protection
  • Enhanced aesthetic appeal
  • Extended fence lifespan
  • Reduced warping and rotting
  • Give your fence a better look by altering it

You can trust our experienced team at Channell Sealants for professional fence painting/staining services to restore and revitalize your fence. With our services, we ensure that you get your fence revamped in a simple, stress-free and affordable way possible. When we visit your home for the fence staining service, rest assured that we will also take our time to check for any damage and recommend necessary repairs.

For further information, or to get an estimate, call us now. 

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